I did a blog posting on http://www.harleequinnzdesigns.com/blog/ today with a short tutorial on how to make this wallhanging/wreath. I posted this idea a while back but actually redid the piece using glimmer misted Harlee-Quinnz Designs patterned papers for the leaves, and I really like it way better than done with the fabric leaves from Michaels.
It's been a busy week (no surprise!) with work, painting, baking (got the Christmas cake done, bread (in the winter I bake all of our bread), and a key lime cake), getting Christmas presents finished, a couple of layouts (I have very little scrap mojo right now but yesterday I went into photoshop and played with some photos so I am getting it back) scrapped, and watching Project Runway last night ( I thought that Irina would win but so much black!!! Last spring I did layouts inspired by the 3 finalists so I am thinking that would be a fun challenge for myself - I mean, for Irina, how many textures or patterns of black can I find? definitely some birds for the teeshirt designs. For Carol Hannah I could do some blue, and for Althea, probably earth tones.)
I have been reading some really cool books also - I just finished The Forgery of Venus by Michael Gruber - it's sort of a mystery about a forged painting but the twist is that the forger is sort of time traveling and becoming the original painter - sounds strange but fascinating.
My son is coming over for Thanksgiving so I will have to clean up my studio as that is where the fold-out couch is that where he will sleep. Dan has to work on Thanksgiving Day; the golf course closes at 5pm so we will eat our meal in the evening. (Dan volunteers at a golf course and then gets to play golf for free - he works 1 day a week in the summer and 2 days a week in the winter when things are busier). I will be doing the total tradional thing - turkey and stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetable, cranberries, relish tray, pumpkin pie and whipped cream, and white wine. YUM!!!!!!!
Hope you have a great Friday - I have to work today but hopefully I will have some new projects to show on Sunday or Monday.
Thanks for reading and ttfn
So I think we all know what movie will be out next week. LOL!
I am the guest designer for Candy Shoppe Designs this month and the challenge announced today is to create a layout or paper project for either Team Edward or Team Jacob. Now I admit I would pick Edward over Jacob in a heartbeat (pun intended) but most of the other designers picked Edward right away so I took Jacob - and actually it was a really fun creative experience. I had no idea what to do and then I started thinking about the motorcycles and I remembered a great quote from Jacob at the end of Eclipse about speed and just getting away so it really came together quickly. I found both the wolf and bike images on the web, the patterned paper is Lily Bee, the smaller paper is one that I did with that fantastic glimmer mist technique where you spray 2 different colors on 2 different pieces of gloss stock, and then smush them together, the silver and gold leaves were from Michaels (on sale for 10 cents after Christmas last year), and the alphas from Heidi Grace. The journaling reads (a quote from the last page of Eclipse), "Feel nothing but speed, and bone, working together in harmony as the miles disappeared behind me."
I have begun to obsess about Christmas presents and am feverishly creating in every spare moment - knitting, painting, and sewing. I also saw a button wreath that I want to make and a really cool tree done with old book pages. Tomorrow after work I plan to run by Pier 1 as I received a catalog, and they have listed a couple of cool reindeer that I need to check out for the herd (did I mention that I collect reindeer - LOL!!! notice the new banner!!!!) The herd is currently hibernating in its special container but will be waking up just after Thanksgiving and will be available for photos. Those pictured above are the white/cream group, there is also a brown stuffed group (including a couple of moose that were gifts), the red "girly" group, and the natural woodsy group that have their own tree. And, of course, there are the big tree group that just hang around!!!! I have had some of these reindeer, including a little Rudolph, since I was a child. Maybe I should do a mini book! So many ideas and so little time!
Thanks for reading, have a great week, and ttfn
Don't forget to get us your favorite vacation/trip layout at These are a few of my favorite things challenge blog by Saturday, November 14!
So I received this little award from Amy - it's been going around the DT and I love everyone's anwers - what you can say in "one little word"!!!! I have to answer these questions with one word answers and then pass the award on to 5 others - so here goes and I am passing it on to Shelley, Debbie, Beth A, Lynn, and Betty.
1. Where is your cell phone? kitchencounter
2. Your hair? curly
3. Your mother? missed
4. Your father? longago
5. Your favorite food? French
6. Your dream last night? sailing
7. Your favorite drink? Tea
8. Your dream/goal? self-supportingartist
9. What room are you in? studio
10. Your hobby? Scrapping
11. Your fear? losinglovedones
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? healthy
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something you aren't? athletic
15. Muffins? cinnamon
16. Wish list item? Kolinskysablepaintbrushes
17. Where did you grow up? Missouri
18. Last thing you did? emailed
19. What are you wearing? silkshirtandcapris
20. Your TV? off
21. Your pets? cat
22. Friends? Worldwide
23. Your life? blessed
24. Your mood? peaceful
25. Missing someone? sometimes
26. Vehicle? older
27. Something you're not wearing? shoes
28. Favourite store? Target
29. Favourite colour? depends
30. When was the last time you laughed? lastnight
31. Last time you cried? lastnight
32. Your best friend? Dan
33. One place I go to over and over? library
34. Facebook? yes
35. Favourite place to eat? home
So there you have it - me in one word (sort of) answers
Be sure to check back tomorrow as I have an announcement to make.
thanks for reading and ttfn