Monday, December 3, 2012

Joy and pain in the studio

I have been selling some books on so I decided that I could spurge with a new art book - Jean Haine's Atmospheric Watercolours - I am so amazed by her paintings - I wish - I wish...........
I was unfamiliar with her (she is a watercolourist from the UK) until a copy of her other book How to Paint Colour & Light in Watercolour came into the used book store where I work. I bought it and was enthralled with her loose style of painting.  It's had to believe how hard it is to get loose - you want to define and add details when you should just let it alone - let the viewer finish the scene.  I came across this inspirational quote in her book: "The more paintings that go into your bin, the more you are learning, so fill it up......An empty bin means you are not practicing enough to be a great artist...."  Well, my trash bin is always full! LOL!   I was inspired to paint the above masquerader from one in Haine's book - but I am happy to say that mine is very very different from hers.

1 comment:

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Yours turned out AMAZING!! I loveeeeeee it!!!